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LightHouse Health & Housing Program

The Health and Housing Program is comprised of two programs.  The Health and Housing Community Supports Program is funded through CalAims in partnership with the Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP).  This program serves San Bernardino County and all referrals for the program are provided through IEHP.

The objectives of the Health and Housing Community Supports Program are:

·         To assist participants, locate and secure permanent housing. 

·         Promote positive health outcomes through housing.

·         Provide case management services so participants can sustain permanent housing.

·         Connect participants to community based wraparound services that will support on-going housing stability.

The Health and Housing Community Supports Program provides assistance to clients in locating and securing housing as quickly as possible. Services consist of:

·         Housing Search and Location Activities.

·         Payment of Security Deposit and First Month’s Rental Payment.

·         Housing Stability Case Management.

·         Connection to medical and behavioral health services.

·         Connection to benefits and/or employment services to increase income.

Health and Housing Community Supports Program Description:

The program assists IEHP members who are currently living in homelessness, or at significant risk of homelessness, end their housing crisis and stabilize in housing. The primary intervention are:

Housing Navigation, Case Management Services and financial assistance through the payment of the participants security deposit and first month’s rent. 

Target Population:

People who have complex health and/or behavioral health conditions and receive healthcare through IEHP (active members).  These members require assistance and support with locating and acquiring permanent housing.

Regions to be served:

LightHouse Health and Housing Community Supports Program provides services to all regions San Bernardino County.


The Health and Housing HUD CoC Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Program is funded through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is sponsored locally by the Riverside County Department of Housing and Workforce Solutions (HWS).  Through this program, LightHouse Social Service Centers provides Intensive Case Management and Supportive Services to individuals, families, veterans, and unaccompanied youth who are chronically homeless and are also living with a chronic health condition.   

The objectives of the Health and Housing HUD CoC (PSH) Program are:

·         To house clients as quickly as possible.

·         Promote positive health outcomes through housing.

·         Provide case management services so clients can sustain permanent housing.

·         The frequency and intensity of services are tailored for each client and change over time depending on the client’s needs.

·         Once clients have a stable environment to live in, services focus on other areas to remove barriers to remaining stably housed.

The Health and Housing Program provides assistance to clients in locating and securing housing as quickly as possible. Services consist of:

·         Housing Search and Placement Activities.

·         Leasing Assistance.

·         Housing Stability Case Management.

·         Connection to medical and behavioral health services.

·         Mediation Services.

·         Referrals to Legal Services and Credit Repair Services.

Health and Housing HUD CoC PSH Program Description:

The program assists participants who are living with a disability and are also currently living in homelessness, end their housing crisis and stabilize in housing. The primary model of intervention is:

Intensive Case Management Services and financial assistance through the payment of the clients rent. 

PSH services are intended for people who are chronically homeless, at risk of homelessness, formerly homeless and who have complex health and/or behavioral health conditions; are high utilizers of public services and other vulnerable populations including individuals with criminal justice histories and individuals who are exiting institutions such as hospitals, residential treatment programs, and custody facilities.

Target Population:

People who are chronically homeless and who have complex health and/or behavioral health conditions.  These clients require on-going case management services in order to remain stably housed. To qualify as homeless clients must meet the federal HUD definition of homeless which includes victims of domestic violence, residents of emergency shelter programs, or clients living on the street, or a place not meant for human habitation. All households applying as a homeless household must provide verification of homeless status and verification of disability.

Regions to be served:

LightHouse Health and Housing HUD CoC PSH program provides services to all regions of Riverside County.


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