Rapid Re-Housing Services for Families Program
LightHouse Social Service Centers' Rapid Re-Housing for Families Program provides rapid re-housing services to homeless families residing in Riverside County, California. The Rapid Re-Housing model of housing assistance moves homeless families into permanent housing as quickly as possible and provides support services to assist those families in achieving and maintaining housing stability. The program provides tenant-based rental assistance to 12 families within a 12-month time period in scattered-site housing in Riverside County. Rapid Re-Housing services are provided utilizing a “Housing First” approach which identifies housing stability as the primary issue facing the homeless family and works to quickly place the family into permanent housing.
Target Population:
This program works with families who are literally homeless and accepts referrals for clients who are living in places not meant for human habitation or clients residing in emergency shelter programs.
Program Goals:
The goal of the Rapid Re-housing Program is to move families experiencing homelessness into stable permanent housing as quickly as possible and provide services and support that will assist the family in maintaining permanent housing.
Rapid Re-housing Services:
Services offered include: outreach, case management, housing navigation services, assistance in obtaining mainstream and public benefits, other supportive services and limited temporary financial assistance.