Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program
The SSVF program assists Veteran Families who are homeless or are at significant risk of homelessness end their housing crisis and stabilize in permanent housing. There are two primary forms of assistance:
Homelessness Prevention Services – Homelessness prevention assistance is intended for eligible Veteran families who are imminently at-risk of becoming literally homeless.
Rapid Re-Housing Services – Rapid re-housing assistance is intended for eligible Veteran families who are literally homeless and may remain literally homeless but for SSVF assistance.
The SSVF Program focuses on securing and maintaining housing for Veterans and their families who are currently homeless or would be homeless without this assistance. The program provides case management, temporary financial assistance, and supportive services to help individuals and families gain housing stability and end their homelessness.
Target Population:
SSVF services are provided to Veteran Families residing in the counties of San Bernardino and Riverside.
Program Goal:
The goal is for Veterans in the SSVF program to remain stably housed after the SSVF temporary assistance ends.
SSVF Services:
Services offered include, Outreach, Case Management, Assistance obtaining VA and public benefits and Limited Temporary financial assistance, which includes:
- Rental assistance
- Utility-fee payment assistance
- Housing location assistance
- Moving assistance