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What We Do

LightHouse Family Stabilization Program (FSP)

The LightHouse FSP program assists families who are currently living in homelessness or are at imminent risk of homelessness end their housing crisis and stabilize in permanent housing. The primary model of intervention is: 

Rapid Re-housing – Rapid re-housing assistance is intended for eligible families who are literally homeless and may remain literally homeless but for FSP assistance.

The FSP Program focuses on securing and maintaining housing for families who are currently living in homelessness or would be homeless without this assistance. The program provides case management services, temporary financial assistance, and supportive services to help families gain housing stability and end their homelessness.  LightHouse works to identify affordable housing and/or supportive housing options in local communities. LightHouse also provides services such as: intake assessments, bridge housing services, housing stability case management, and provides any additional supportive services that may also be provided via referrals or collaborations to ensure that clients can develop the skills necessary to maintain their housing. LightHouse also works collaboratively with DBH staff in the delivery of Rapid Re-Housing Services.

Target Population:

Eligible FSP clients are identified by the CalWORKs Transitional Assistance Department (TAD) and referred to the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health (DBH). DBH staff will complete a comprehensive assessment of clients referred by TAD to determine the barriers to the client’s participation in Welfare-to-Work activities.  If DBH staff determines that Rapid Re-Housing services are a needed service for the client, they will refer the client to the LightHouse FS Program.

Regions to be served:

 LightHouse FSP will provide services to all regions of the County of San Bernardino, which includes: East Valley, Central Valley, and West Valley Regions.

FSP Services:

Services offered include, intake assessment, case management services, housing navigation (location) assistance, assistance obtaining public benefits and limited temporary financial assistance, which may include:

Bridge housing assistance

Rental assistance

Utility Deposit payment assistance

Our Impact This Year

  • San Manuel
    San Manuel
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